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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Three Perfect Liars

This was.....weird.
I always put thrillers in my list of fav genres, but this kind of has me second guessing that. Maybe this just wasn't the kind of thrillers I usually enjoy.

Anyway, this is told through three different points of view.
We follow new mom Laura returning to work from her 6 months of maternity leave. Laura's temp, Mia who got hired to permanently work with Laura's main client. And of course, there's the bosses wife, Janie who believes everyone but herself is in love with her all powerful husband.

Now, this is where it gets weird for me.
The story is told through three separate time frames; before the fire, the night of the fire, and then through interrogations after the fire. Why is this fire so stinkin' important, you ask? Well it's because all of their lives are intertwined and none of them knew it, well except Mia. But they all have reason to set fire to the building where Janie's husband runs his marketing agency. They all have vindictive personalities. All they think about is themselves and how they can get the outcome they desire the most.  Which makes it painful to keep "guessing" what's going to happen when you already know the ending like a hundred pages in.

I don't think I liked this book near as much as I hoped I would.

Huge thanks to Gallery Books for sending me an ARC!

Mark your calendars, Three Perfect Liars hits shelves June 9, 2020!

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