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Saturday, March 5, 2022

This Might Hurt

Stephanie Wrobel knows how to write revenge.

This Might Hurt really had me questioning how we look at cults.

This story follows sisters, Natalie and Kit over the course of several months. Their alternating storylines are interspersed with an unnamed character's flashbacks. It was written in a way that leaves you to wonder who is truly at fault at any given time. It lets us get inside each characters head and understand why they did the things they did.

What started as a 6 month retreat, turned into a new life for Kit. She quickly dedicates her life to Wisewood and joins the rankings of the Inner Circle. She's given up everything in her previous life, her job, her apartment, even her sister. She never could move past their mother's death, but maybe Wisewood could help with that.

When Kit told Natalie about Wisewood, her eyes almost rolled out of her head. Natalie couldn't believe her sister was willing to throw her money away on a retreat like this. After not hearing from Kit in nearly 6 months, an threatening email lands in her inbox. She can't let someone else tell Kit her biggest secret, she had to do it herself.

Wisewood is a weird little community, filled with people trying to escape their past.
They just want to live their Maximized Lives without any interference from friends or family.
But dark forces are in motion, it's just a matter of time until they come to the light.

This was not my favorite cult story. It had an air of mystery around it, but it wasn't quite as twisty as I wanted it to be.

Looking for other books by Stephanie Wrobel?

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