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Saturday, May 15, 2021


 I would like to apologize to my friend Cassandra for accidentally finishing our book club pick before she even got her copy. Oops.

Seth Rogan delivered a hilarious memoir.
He starts by telling us how he got into standup comedy at like....12 years old. Standup wasn't just telling jokes, it was telling a funny story that happened to you that might feel relatable to an audience. So naturally, some of his first jokes were about his grandparents. That's who he spent time with, giving him ample opportunity to create content for his next act.
I think the stories he told from his teenage years were my favorite. He talked about awkward school dances, hanging out behind the 7/11, buying pot from a guy on a nudist beach, house parties, and so much more. It constantly had me laughing and reminiscing about my own teenage antics.

Yearbook definitely had a natural progression to it. Starting in his teenage years and working up to Seth's adult life now. I was completely unaware that he and his friend Evan wrote many of the movies Seth went on to star in. Superbad was literally based on Seth and Evan's high school experience; they even used this friends names in the movie!

I remember Pineapple Express catching my eye, Seth Rogan and James Franco? Count me in. I had just started watching it when my father came into the room and asked what I was watching. Within seconds we were both laughing. It just blows my mind to think that they both got their start on one of the most underrated television shows of all time, Freaks and Geeks. Jason Segel also starred in Freaks and Geeks, so hearing that Seth and Jason both auditioned TOGETHER for the role of Cheddar in 8 Mile, had me in absolutely tears from laughing so hard.
Everything about this book made me laugh. If you love Seth Rogan, you'll love this book.

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