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Sunday, June 27, 2021

Night World Series

I've been putting off reading this series for the last....10 years or so.
L.J. Smith wrote my beloved Vampire Diaries, so I wasn't sure if I was prepared to commit to another one of her series. But man, I'm so glad I did.

Night World focuses on literally every aspect of who lives in the shadows; vampires, werewolves, witches, angels, shapeshifters, you name it. But the one recurring topic was the Soul Mate Theory. Now this theory is problematic for a number of reasons, but mostly because Night People cannot fall in love with humans. It's simply not allowed. A human who knows about Night World pretty much has a death sentence coming their way. But with this theory comes the idea that maybe the Old Powers are waking back up. Maybe humans and Night People can begin forming soulmate connections again.

Each story builds up to a number of things such as soulmates, blood ties, unharnessed powers, a new circle of witches, and the inevitable end of the world.
I need you guys to understand how genius the end of the world plot is. These books were written in the nineties, at the height of Y2K. The idea was at the turn of the millennia, the Night World would take over the Human World and create mass hysteria. That's honestly brilliant and probably one of my favorite parts of this book series.

There were some books in this 9 book series that I absolutely loved (Soulmate and Huntress) and some that I absolutely hated (The Chosen and Witchlight). A lot of the books in this series felt similar and honestly, that's because they are. But that doesn't mean it isn't an absolutely amazing series.
Now, this is actually supposed to be a 10 book series. But I'm thinking since we've been waiting on Strange Fate for over 20 years now.....we're probably not going to get it.

Looking for individual reviews for the Night World Series?

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