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Monday, March 20, 2023


I was not ready for all the bombshells Paris Hilton dropped in this book.
I'm kind of obsessed with the "It Girls" of the early 2000s. These are the girls I grew up watching in real time, and saw their worlds crumble around them in the media. Paris, Britney, and Lindsay literally went through hell and somehow in 2023 ended up on the other side. And I'm grateful for that.
For years we heard about their parting, clubbing, and bad habits. But it's hard to imagine judging them now the way they were judged then. They were in their 20's, doing what literally every single twenty year old woman their best lives.
That being said, Paris doesn't really talk about that part of her life in this book. Yes, it's in there but the bulk of her memoir talks about her time in trouble youth camps and schools. You know the one's we all heard about in hushed whispers because no one wanted to admit there might be abuse going on there.....even though there absolutely was.
I genuinely don't know how Paris or any of the other kids in these schools survived. Hell, some of them didn't. The Provo school that Paris was forced into has been compared to the likes of the Standford Prison Experiment by Phillip Zimbardo. A study that literally got shut down after a few weeks because of the horrific power dynamics surrounding solitary confinement and breaking people down to their absolute lowest point.

Paris was literally ripped from her bed in her own home and shoved into one of these schools after the other. I could almost hear her voice shaking while reading the words on the page.

I am so happy to see her thriving now, living her truest life, and doing everything in her power to keep this from happening to other kids.

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